Sunday, October 6, 2013

The only thing I have

My life is not without the influence of those around me. The only piece of my reality that is independent of all is my own choice. All that leads to that choice is influenced and affected by all else, yet my decision remains my own. By this I know that my salvation, although ultimately dependent on my choice, is not mine alone but is connected to the salvation of my friends, my family and anyone I will ever or never meet.
My life is not my own. I am made of dust from the earth and dust from the stars. Life is given to me in each breath of air made possible by trees and plants all over the world. Water sustains my living while the lives of plants and animals bring me sustenance and strength. I walk among men, women, and children. Silently we share the light we’ve been given.
I am not me without you and because of you I’m made all the more me.
Never again should I consider my life without in the same thought considering those around me. 

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