Tuesday, December 25, 2012

And the Wind Blows

While I sit and wait behind this glowing screen
my toes are getting colder and colder
tomorrow's Christmas and where am I?
reading quotes to feel bolder and bolder

Behind the cabin walls surrounding
I'm safe and sound and trying to get warmer and warmer
warmer than if I were out there
Amidst the wind growing colder and colder

A thought tugs at my mind
A whisper to my heart
A reminder to my spirit
A place, a home where I should be

Warm walls well kept keep cold winds out
The stab of darkness parried with light
White clothes, white rooms
Heaven's home on earth

Go, go and don't wait
don't postpone or excuse
Think it, plan it, do it
From thought to action manifest

Grateful hands click clack tap
manifest the thoughts of heart and mind
Now existing outside mind and heart
gratitude is reality

"Those do not love who do not show their love"

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