Tuesday, November 20, 2012

the beautiful things

There are many things to love in life, too many to count. But seeing as how they're out there I'll see about trying to count some of them.

The gentle rays of sunshine which peek through clouds to warm my cheeks.
A child's laugh and smile, sparking eyes.
Chocolate, my goodness yes.
A clean home.
My hands and legs, feet and arms. For hugging, holding, creating, dancing, lifting, helping, reassuring, blessing.
A warm shower after a cold day outside.
Having a job where I am serving God's children in some sort of way. (I am a custodian at BYU).
Fall colors in the leaves.
Playing in those leaves.
Crunching those leaves.
An honest-to-goodness laugh.
Being remembered by others.
Good books.
My moments with God.
Meditation, breathing.
First snow.
First kisses.
Kisses on the cheek.
My niece Olive.
My nephew Emmett.
Playing with hair.
Shooting stars.
Frost on my eyebrows and eyelashes.
Meeting strangers and removing the strangeness.
Green lawns neatly cut and fields of flowers.
The small flowers which get caught in between my toes while I walk in fields of flowers wearing my toe shoes.
Hiking in serene mountain valleys.
A happy dog.
Sharing love with others.
Having a best friend.
Making up stories.
Telling stories.
Breathing in deep moments of peace, of joy, and of love.
Clouds and the endless paintings which stretch across the sky every day.
Matching clothes, looking sharp.
Dancing with my eyes closed, soaking in the sea of euphoria as the people around me are enjoying themselves also.
Looking into another person's eyes to see them.
Remembering beautiful moments.
Reliving beautiful moments.
Making beautiful moments.
Playing guitar, ukulele, piano, harp.
Listening to wonderful music that gives space to my thoughts.
The social life of my family.
Gazing at the milky way, especially from a hot tub.
Aurora Borealis.
Beaches and the vast expanse of the ocean(Though lake Superior in the winter has been my favorite)
Finding secret places in nature and life where it seems magic pulsates from the very ground.
Feeling and enjoying the presence of angels.
That warm fire I feel with my best friend.
Old buildings.
Words, thrown together and coming out fantastic.
Journals and the inspiration given to the future.
Hand written letters.
Candle light dinners.
Sky lanterns.
Dancing in light snow flakes, or under stars, or anywhere out of the ordinary, but especially in the rain.
Eyes that show love.
How the gospel keeps fitting together more and more with my life experiences.
Second chances.
Hand made gifts.
A clever mind, a good mind, a thinking mind.
Taking leaps into the unknown.(scary, but still beautiful)
Free falling over a large valley(my valley, my home).
Blossoms of hope within the heart(So bright, so clear and pure).
Bringing out the best in other people.

The list would go on, my eyelids grow heavy. This is a good start.

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