Friday, November 2, 2012

Ether 6, Book of Mormon

Verse 5,6 and 8 tell us about the means by which God used to push the barges of the Brother of Jared and their people toward the promised land.
We read that a wind kicked up and began to blow around on the water until it drove them forward. Later that same wind is described as being fierce and caused terrible tempests. I'm sure their ride in the barges wasn't a cake walk as they were driven by the fierce wind. However in verse 8 we see this.

And it came to pass that the wind did never cease to blow towards the promised land while they were upon the waters; and thus they were driven forth before the wind.

Without the fierce wind that tossed them here and there on the water they would never have gotten to the promised land.
Sometimes in my life I feel as though I'm being tossed here and there and it's uncomfortable. I don't really like it. But seeing this reminds me that there are unseen forces that God is using to push and pull me towards a promised land set up for me, one that He has promised to me.

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